Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Katrina revisited.

With the horrors that hurricane Katrina left on the United States still too vivid in our memories, our president took no time to ensure that the latest natural disaster, the fires in California, did not lower his respectability any more. Which is good, if desiring public respect is the only thing that motivates Bush to do the right thing, so be it. I would rather that than he do nothing.

Of course, there are differences between the two disasters. Katrina was poised to damage the poor, African-American parts of New Orleans the most; whereas, the first region hit by the fires in California was Malibu ( A traditionally rich, white area). Of course by now other regions all over the state have been threatened; some of which invariably hold poorer, less white people.

But, who am I to sit here and make assumptions about out president's motives? Or to question racial equality in our great nation?

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