Friday, October 12, 2007

Captain Planet he's our... next president?

Dear Mr. Gore,
Congratulations on your winning the "Nobel Prize for Making the World a Better Place in Some Unspecified Way" (per The Economist). What a year this has been for you: An Oscar, an Emmy and a Nobel Prize! Good thing those pesky Florida votes went to President Bush and not yourself. Otherwise, how could you focus on the pressing issue of Global Warming? So, I imagine you will pat yourself on your back and get straight back to work convincing world leaders to act on the crisis of Climate Change, right? Clearly, your work has been valuable and acknowledged; but, not enough has yet been done to combat this issue. So, you can imagine my surprise at all the articles calling you to now enter the presidential foray! The very credibility that has allowed you to pontificate on Global Warming comes from your now being outside of the Beltway; step back in, and you will lose all credibility! You have dedicated yourself to an issue that is bigger than yourself (and kudos on that!), do not enter the presidential race, and make it all about you.

Wary of a Run

P.S. The last former vice-president to run for President eight years after losing the race directly after his vice-presidency: Richard Nixon.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


I agree with your sentiments. He may be more valuable outside the White House then inside.
